Invoice Requirements

Old Dominion University places great importance on accurate and comprehensive invoice requirements to ensure smooth and efficient payment processes. 供应商 are expected to adhere to specific guidelines when submitting invoices to ODU's procurement department. By following these requirements, vendors can help facilitate prompt payment processing and maintain a strong business relationship with ODU. Clear and detailed invoices that meet ODU's specifications not only expedite the payment cycle but also contribute to the overall efficiency of the procurement workflow.

Elements of a Proper Invoice

Doing business with the University and want to be paid in a timely manner? Before payment can be processed, a "proper" invoice must be received by 应付账款. Each invoice presented by a vendor for payment must be clear, accurate and free from mathematical or quantity errors.

作为一个 最低, each invoice must contain ALL of the following fields:

  • 供应商的名字

  • Vendor "Remit To" Address

  • Vendor Invoice Number

  • 发票日期

  • ODU Purchase Order Number

  • ODU联系人姓名

  • 付款截止日期

  • Payment Terms and Discounts

  • No Sales Tax for Tax-Exempt Goods/服务s

  • Description of Goods/服务s Delivered (per the purchase order)

  • Quantity Delivered by Line Item (per the purchase order)

  • 成本 Per Item and Extended 成本 (should agree to the purchase order costs)

  • Freight Charges (per the purchase order)

  • Total Amount Due (should agree to the purchase order amount)

  • Special Terms (or any additional information needed for accurate payment processing)

Defective Invoices

Invoices missing any required element will be deemed 有缺陷的 and will be returned without action to the vendor with a letter detailing what defect needs to be corrected.

  • Invoices not delivered in accordance with agency instructions (included on the purchase order) are not considered to have been submitted in a timely manner and may result in payment delays.
  • When a corrected invoice is received, a NEW due date will be calculated.
  • Please remember to include the purchase order number on ALL invoices.

Submitting an Invoice

Invoices should NOT be sent to the department. Doing so may delay payment.


All hard copy invoices should be mailed directly to:

Old Dominion University 财务办公室 Rollins Hall, Room 2005 Norfolk VA 23529-0047

Electronic Invoices

供应商 may choose to submit electronic invoices to


Facilities Management Invoices Invoices for work done for Facilities Management should ALSO be submitted to