VA Certifying Official

Complete First

  1. Applied to ODU and was accepted for admission.

  2. Enrolled for classes relevant to degree program.

  3. Received a Certificate of Eligibility from the VA.


  • Ensure your program is approved for VA benefts via WEAMS.

  • If you've previously used your benefits at another institution, click here to fill out the 22-1995 form and transfer them to ODU.

  • To receive your VA benefits, you need to apply here.

  • 至少在学期开始前30天提交退伍军人清除表.

Certification Process

All students using G.I. Bill®福利必须经过ODU学校认证官员的注册认证,才能获得教育福利. To initiate the certification process, you must complete a Veterans Clearance Form.

ODU School Certifying Officials (SCOs) begin reporting enrollment to the V.A. 30 days before the first day of your class start dates. This first step will trigger the V.A.'s disbursement of your educational benefits. 根据你的章节,这可以包括BAH,图书津贴,或其他每月分配. Tuition and fee coverage come later. Check additional chapter information down below for more specific details.

我们的工作人员会通知财务办公室在你的账户上延期支付学费. 延迟防止您的帐户从累积滞纳金,因为我们等待付款从V.A. 如果您在收到滞纳金后提交了逾期清关表,则应在一周内撤销滞纳金.

注意:第31章的学生和便携式媒体项目的工程管理学生不需要填写退伍军人清关表. 第31章学生将与指定的退伍军人事务部教育顾问协调. 便携式媒体专业的工程管理专业学生将与工程管理部门协调

Additional Chapters Information

第1606章也被称为蒙哥马利GI法案®精选储备计划. This Chapter requires you to meet certain training and time commitments.

  • The V.A. 要求您在每个月底验证您的注册,以继续收到付款. You can verify your enrollment online through the Web Automated Verification system (called "WAVE") or by phone by calling 877-823-2378.
  • Click here to see the current monthly rate entitlement.
  • Payment: The monthly check payment from the V.A. goes directly to you. 然后,你有责任在延期截止日期之前支付学费余额.

For eligibility requirements, how to obtain these benefits, and additional information regarding Chapter 1606, please click here.

第30章也被称为蒙哥马利GI法案®-现役教育援助计划. 如果你在现役或离开现役,你可能有资格获得这些福利.

  • The V.A. 要求您在每个月底验证您的注册,以继续收到付款. You can verify your enrollment online through the Web Automated Verification system (called "WAVE") or by phone by calling 877-823-2378.
  • Click here to see the current monthly rate entitlement.
  • Payment: The monthly check payment from the V.A. goes directly to you. 然后,你有责任在延期截止日期之前支付学费余额.
  • Check out this PDF resource pamphlet for more information.

For eligibility requirements, how to obtain these benefits, and additional information regarding Chapter 1606, please click here.

Chapter 31 is also known as Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E), formerly Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment.

This chapter provides beneficiaries with tuition, fees, books, and supplies. You might also receive a monthly stipend. To qualify for this benefit chapter, 你必须患有与服役有关的残疾,退伍军人事务部认为残疾的比例至少为20%.

  • Payment:您的学费余额发票将由ODU的第三方账单( in the Office of Finance and your V.A. Educational Counselor.
  • You do not need to fill out a Veterans Clearance Form. You will work directly with your V.A. Educational Counselor, who will send your authorization to our certifying team. Our certifying team will then submit your registration certification to the V.A. 你的退伍军人事务部教育顾问也会安排ODU开具退伍军人事务部账单.A. directly.
  • 我们的工作人员会将您的信息发送到ODU的停车服务部门,以便他们为您签发停车证. 以及通知ODU书店为您获取您的书籍和用品.

For eligibility requirements, how to apply, and additional information regarding Chapter 31, please click here.

Chapter 33 is also known as the Post-9/11 GI Bill. You may be eligible for this program, which provides up to 36 months of educational benefits, if you have at least 90 days of active duty service after September 10, 2001.

退伍军人事务部要求对使用第33章福利的人进行两部分认证. First, 我们会报告你这学期的总学时,从而触发退伍军人事务部向你发放书费和住房津贴. 第二步发生在添加/退学期之后,这样我们就可以向VA报告您本学期的实际学费和费用. Then, the VA will pay your fees directly to ODU. 延期是放在你的学生账户上的,这样你就不会在等待VA付款时产生滞纳金.

  • Payment: The VA sends tuition and fee payments directly to ODU. * Except for Day One Access Course materials fees.
  • BAH is triggered by the initial enrollment certification. 要获得完整的BAH学位,你必须被认为是全日制的,并且在校园里至少修了一个1学分. Click here for the current BAH allowance which is based on your zip code and pay grade. *The rate will be reduced if taking online-only courses.
  • A Book Stipend is triggered by the initial enrollment certification. You will need to pay for your books, 包括在你注册时直接收费的书店课程材料. You pay for this yourself through Leo Online. Click here for the current Book Stipend allowance rates.
  • The V.A. 要求您在每个月结束时验证您的注册,以继续收到您的每月住房津贴(MHA)和/或kicker付款. By verifying that you are still enrolled in the same courses every month, 你可以帮助避免由于训练计划的变化而导致的超额支付,并保护你的G.I. 通过防止为未参加的培训收取权利费用来为权利账单. To streamline the process verify enrollment easily and securely via text message.

For eligibility requirements, how to apply, and additional information regarding Chapter 33, please click here.

第35章也被称为幸存者和家属教育援助(DEA)计划. 本福利章节为退伍军人的幸存者或家属提供教育和培训机会,这些退伍军人因服务相关的条件而残疾,或因服役或服务相关的条件而死亡.

  • Payment: The monthly check payment from the VA goes directly to you, 你要负责在延期截止日期前支付学费余额.
  • 这个项目有年龄和时间限制,这取决于你是退伍军人或服务成员的孩子或配偶. Please click here for those details.
  • Per V.A. guidance, we report tuition and fees to the V.A. if you're below half-time.

For eligibility requirements, how to apply, and additional information regarding the Fry Scholarship, please click here.

弗吉尼亚州军人幸存者和家属教育计划(VMSDEP)为阵亡军人的配偶和子女提供教育福利, missing in action, taken prisoner, 或被美国退伍军人事务部评定为完全和永久残疾或至少90%的永久残疾,因为服兵役.

Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, or the Virginia National Guard.

弗吉尼亚州退伍军人服务部(DVS)负责管理该项目,并与弗吉尼亚州高等教育国务委员会(SCHEV)和弗吉尼亚州的公立学院和大学合作,帮助合格的军人和退伍军人的配偶和子女实现他们的教育目标. (See the Code of Virginia, Section 23-7.4:1.)

这个项目不是通过退伍军人事务部或注册办公室处理的. For assistance with this program, please visit the ODU Office of Financial Aid and their Scholarship page under the Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education Program.

第1606章也被称为蒙哥马利GI法案®精选储备计划. This Chapter requires you to meet certain training and time commitments.

  • The V.A. 要求您在每个月底验证您的注册,以继续收到付款. You can verify your enrollment online through the Web Automated Verification system (called "WAVE") or by phone by calling 877-823-2378.
  • Click here to see the current monthly rate entitlement.
  • Payment: The monthly check payment from the V.A. goes directly to you. 然后,你有责任在延期截止日期之前支付学费余额.

For eligibility requirements, how to obtain these benefits, and additional information regarding Chapter 1606, please click here.

第30章也被称为蒙哥马利GI法案®-现役教育援助计划. 如果你在现役或离开现役,你可能有资格获得这些福利.

  • The V.A. 要求您在每个月底验证您的注册,以继续收到付款. You can verify your enrollment online through the Web Automated Verification system (called "WAVE") or by phone by calling 877-823-2378.
  • Click here to see the current monthly rate entitlement.
  • Payment: The monthly check payment from the V.A. goes directly to you. 然后,你有责任在延期截止日期之前支付学费余额.
  • Check out this PDF resource pamphlet for more information.

For eligibility requirements, how to obtain these benefits, and additional information regarding Chapter 1606, please click here.

Chapter 31 is also known as Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E), formerly Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment.

This chapter provides beneficiaries with tuition, fees, books, and supplies. You might also receive a monthly stipend. To qualify for this benefit chapter, 你必须患有与服役有关的残疾,退伍军人事务部认为残疾的比例至少为20%.

  • Payment:您的学费余额发票将由ODU的第三方账单( in the Office of Finance and your V.A. Educational Counselor.
  • You do not need to fill out a Veterans Clearance Form. You will work directly with your V.A. Educational Counselor, who will send your authorization to our certifying team. Our certifying team will then submit your registration certification to the V.A. 你的退伍军人事务部教育顾问也会安排ODU开具退伍军人事务部账单.A. directly.
  • 我们的工作人员会将您的信息发送到ODU的停车服务部门,以便他们为您签发停车证. 以及通知ODU书店为您获取您的书籍和用品.

For eligibility requirements, how to apply, and additional information regarding Chapter 31, please click here.

Chapter 33 is also known as the Post-9/11 GI Bill. You may be eligible for this program, which provides up to 36 months of educational benefits, if you have at least 90 days of active duty service after September 10, 2001.

退伍军人事务部要求对使用第33章福利的人进行两部分认证. First, 我们会报告你这学期的总学时,从而触发退伍军人事务部向你发放书费和住房津贴. 第二步发生在添加/退学期之后,这样我们就可以向VA报告您本学期的实际学费和费用. Then, the VA will pay your fees directly to ODU. 延期是放在你的学生账户上的,这样你就不会在等待VA付款时产生滞纳金.

  • Payment: The VA sends tuition and fee payments directly to ODU. * Except for Day One Access Course materials fees.
  • BAH is triggered by the initial enrollment certification. 要获得完整的BAH学位,你必须被认为是全日制的,并且在校园里至少修了一个1学分. Click here for the current BAH allowance which is based on your zip code and pay grade. *The rate will be reduced if taking online-only courses.
  • A Book Stipend is triggered by the initial enrollment certification. You will need to pay for your books, 包括在你注册时直接收费的书店课程材料. You pay for this yourself through Leo Online. Click here for the current Book Stipend allowance rates.
  • The V.A. 要求您在每个月结束时验证您的注册,以继续收到您的每月住房津贴(MHA)和/或kicker付款. By verifying that you are still enrolled in the same courses every month, 你可以帮助避免由于训练计划的变化而导致的超额支付,并保护你的G.I. 通过防止为未参加的培训收取权利费用来为权利账单. To streamline the process verify enrollment easily and securely via text message.

For eligibility requirements, how to apply, and additional information regarding Chapter 33, please click here.

第35章也被称为幸存者和家属教育援助(DEA)计划. 本福利章节为退伍军人的幸存者或家属提供教育和培训机会,这些退伍军人因服务相关的条件而残疾,或因服役或服务相关的条件而死亡.

  • Payment: The monthly check payment from the VA goes directly to you, 你要负责在延期截止日期前支付学费余额.
  • 这个项目有年龄和时间限制,这取决于你是退伍军人或服务成员的孩子或配偶. Please click here for those details.
  • Per V.A. guidance, we report tuition and fees to the V.A. if you're below half-time.

For eligibility requirements, how to apply, and additional information regarding the Fry Scholarship, please click here.

弗吉尼亚州军人幸存者和家属教育计划(VMSDEP)为阵亡军人的配偶和子女提供教育福利, missing in action, taken prisoner, 或被美国退伍军人事务部评定为完全和永久残疾或至少90%的永久残疾,因为服兵役.

Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, or the Virginia National Guard.

弗吉尼亚州退伍军人服务部(DVS)负责管理该项目,并与弗吉尼亚州高等教育国务委员会(SCHEV)和弗吉尼亚州的公立学院和大学合作,帮助合格的军人和退伍军人的配偶和子女实现他们的教育目标. (See the Code of Virginia, Section 23-7.4:1.)

这个项目不是通过退伍军人事务部或注册办公室处理的. For assistance with this program, please visit the ODU Office of Financial Aid and their Scholarship page under the Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education Program.

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Web site at